Monthly Archives: March 2017

A Scene You Can See

A Scene You Can See- 4S

The snow fell heavily as the penguins slipped along the ice. They were cold from the big black moon shining above them. I peered out of my cave wondering if I would ever be warm again, hoping one day I would get back home. By Jamie

The waves crashed onto the soft wet sand. The night sky got dark as it cooled down. My friend and I walked across the cold sand. I could never imagine leaving this place. By Mia

The wave god made the waves crash peacefully in Hawaii. He did so when all the flowers were in bloom. I wondered if I would be able to get out of the water. By Koby

The trees blew as the strong wind flew among them. Animals snug in nests, sleeping on their mum’s stomachs. I sneak out of the cave hunting, not successful as I’m only new to it. By Alexis   

The dark blue waves came in peacefully in the shining midnight sky. It was unusual for the storm season. I tried to avoid awakening the baby Leather-back turtles. By Issach

Cold as ice, there was cloud white snow everywhere. The bright sun rising wouldn’t help me get warmer. I started walking to my nice warm igloo. By Zali

Welcome to 4S 2017- Better late than never!!!

The new version of 4S is here bigger, bolder and weirder than ever!

After a chaotic start to the year with the swimming carnival, gymnastics program, choir, stage based dance groups, piano lessons, cancelled athletics carnivals, Harmony day prep and much more… We are ready to unleash … the greatest blog of all time!!! 😉

Feel free to join in!